Friendships and Farewells

This could potentially be a really long post. Feel really excited to talk about this one. Because I kinda like this topic. Haha. So where do I even start? For some who don’t know me very well, they could probably assume that I have a lot of friends. But for those who know me all too well, they would know that I’ve only got few friends in my circle. People walk in and out of my life like fashion trends. I’m not even kidding. But there are a select few who have been with me through thick and thin throughout the years and they’re really my best mates.

     There are friends whom I’ve known for more than 10 years, some I’ve known more than 5 years and a a few childhood friends as well. It wasn’t always smooth sailing tho, I could actually write a book about all the drama I went through with these people. But at the end of the day, we’d always have a laugh. I think one of the reasons why some of us remained friends is because none of us ever take each other or even ourselves seriously. Which is why I love em so much. Okay, enough with the mushy talks.

       So last week was a mixture of hellos and goodbyes. Pey, who’s been living out of town coz of work is now moving back into the city coz she got transfered. Yeay! I haven’t seen her yet coz she’s been busy with moving and settling down at her workplace and everything but I’m happy for her. She’s been wanting to transfer for so long we’re all glad she finally got her way. Meanwhile, CK’s found a job in KL and now she’s moving away next week. So we decided to throw a farewell party for her. Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it a party tho. It was more of ‘spend the whole day together eating’ kinda thing. We spent most of the time at Z’s house rampaging her room and her makeup. And then it was just eating some more and gossiping till midnight. Ya know, the usual stuff. It’s sad that she’s leaving, but then again KL’s only 2 hours away so it’s fine I guess.

          For me, the important thing in friendship is not physically being around each other all the time. It’s really just being able to act freely and to just be yourself when you’re around them. Sure, communication matters too to keep you in touch and everything. But there should also be a good amount of understanding between friends. People evolve. The ones you know in high school or in uni may not be the same person today like they were before. Their lives may also have changed since then. I’m not saying that they’ve become a whole different person. It’s just in my opinion, people upgrade into a better version of themselves. Some have new commitments or jobs and may not always have the time to just chill and relax.

         We each have our own lives to manage and staying in touch might not always be on our minds. But that doesn’t mean that we just stopped being friends. I have friends that I haven’t seen in a long time but to me they’ll always be in my heart. Bless em. No matter how much drama they’ve given me and I’ve given them, they will always have a special place in my heart (It’s cheesy I know. And even harder to write). Because it’s not the journey that’s memorable, it’s the ones who are actually in it. And that memory gave me great lessons and helped shape the person I am today. There’s a reason for everything I’m sure.

The Dimsum that came and disappeared in a second.

I’m always grateful for the people who’ve come and go and I appreciate those who’ve stayed even more. And I’m lucky to have met them all.